We are Calvary, and we would love the opportunity to help you find your place in God’s kingdom. Our passion lies in leading others to the Lord through sincere worship, dedicated service, Christlike character, and a strong commitment to community. This is a unique church experience, and we look forward to getting to know you and your family!

We are a church dedicated to knowing Jesus Christ. You’ll feel right at home with us! When you arrive, a greeter will welcome you at the entrance and guide you to our Welcome Desk. There, you can have all your questions answered, and if you have children, they will help direct you to children’s church.
Everyone is welcome here!

We provide a children’s ministry for ages prek to sixth grade. We ask that you arrive about 10 minutes early to drop off your child(ren) at children’s church and help them settle in before service starts. We encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity for your children to learn and thrive in a space tailored specifically for them. For more information, please check out our Kids’ Connection page!